Managing a mixed portfolio? PropertyBoss has you covered with databases specific to single family, multifamily, student housing, commercial properties and HOAs. We can even help you with unique items such as boat slip and storage unit management. If it has a lease, PropertyBoss can help you manage and track it.
Fill in a few details above and one of our PropertyBoss Pros will reach out to set up your demo.
See the platform in action during your free consult, ask questions, and get started right on the phone.
Start managing properties on your terms, streamline your operations, save time and get better results!
List properties online, accept online applications and fees, use e-signatures instead of paper and run integrated background checks.
Easy move-in and move-out processes through our online portal. Tenants, Maintenance techs, and vendors can submit and update work orders online.
Residents, tenants, students and leaseholders can make secure credit card, debit card, and ACH payments from anywhere, reducing paperwork and past due accounts.
Get the insights you need to stay on track, share the right information to keep things moving and generate custom reports with PropertyBoss.
Discounted pricing is available now and TRAINING AND IMPLEMENTATION ARE INCLUDED!