Software Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions on how to implement and get started using PropertyBoss software.

Using PropertyBoss, property managers can configure, save, filter, sort, and group RentRoll reports across standard and user-defined data fields. The software also dynamically performs the following functions directly from RentRoll: accessing underlying data, posting multiple charges, e-mailing or printing custom documents, or performing mass updates.

Managing tenants, leases, units, and properties has never been easier or more flexible. Features include unlimited user-defined data fields, the ability to track and manage media, maximum flexibility for managing leases, rents, subsidies, and late fees, plus the ability to define and manage repeating transactions, deposits, and other charges.

PropertyBoss includes more than 100 pre-defined industry reports, plus customized reporting options, that allow property managers to create, group and even schedule the automatic creation of the reports they need.

With proprietary navigator technology, you can decide what information you want to see, customize filters, sort and group that information, as well as print the information as a report or export to Excel.

It’s easy to manage vendors and work orders with PropertyBoss. Work Orders can easily be created, assigned to a specific vendor, have media attached, and be tracked and managed through a customizable navigator. Plus, property managers can even define their own work order groups, create and manage subtasks associated with work orders, as well as track vendor balances and status through user-defined custom fields.

Property managers have tremendous flexibility with our property owner management tools. With PropertyBoss, you can fully configure ownership types and percentages, define custom fee schedules, and produce a variety of owner reports. With a few clicks, property managers can provide higher levels of customer service with reduced effort and expense. In addition, PropertyBoss easily handles situations where you may directly manage all or part of an owner’s property portfolio.

With PropertyBoss, property managers can create, manage, and merge letters and documents, as well as automate the creation of leases, custom tenant documents, form documents, and even mailing labels. You can easily format all of your documents to reflect your company’s brand.

PropertyBoss offers several ways to manage your accounting needs. Use the PropertyBoss General Ledger or integrate other solutions like QuickBooks, as well as other leading accounting solutions.

PropertyBoss works the way you work. That’s why we offer user-defined language settings, security settings, custom data fields, definable transaction types, and processing algorithms, among others.

PropertyBoss speaks your language with industry specific terminology. You can also customize certain terms and phrases within the software for all correspondence and reporting, plus manage and organize a diverse portfolio of properties with industry specific language and functionality.

Don’t delay...Schedule a one-on-one LIVE demo of propertyboss property management software today!